Monday, November 16, 2020

Free Learning Topic 13: The Effects of Covid 19 in Freelancing

In the world, the outbreak of COVID-19 hit different economic activities. The effects of Covid 19 in freelancing are very bizarre.

What is the effects of Covid 19 in Freelancing?

In Pakistan, the gig industry of freelancing that was flourishing over the past few years has also been affected by the pandemic. In the world, the Covid-19 caused massive disruption and eventually forced the population of the world to stay at home within a short period of time. Businesses were in need of survival in this uncertain situation, due to the new normal of staying & working from home. The workplaces transformed from physical ones to virtual ones, and product offerings were redefined to overcome this challenging situation.

The Bizzare effects of Covid 19 in Freelancing

Nations started to recover from the lockdown with subtle changes to pre-COVID life gradually. The demand for freelancers diminishes in the short run but there are many freelancers who believe that the long-term future for freelancers is very bright. Platforms of mobile delivery thrived with a lot of people in demand to work remotely in the COVID-era. As a result, the digital economy has provided some significant room to fillup the demand gap for freelancers.

The Effects Of Covid 19 In Freelancing

The Effects Of Covid 19 In Freelancing

A widely used payment gateway, Payoneer, for freelancers, surveyed over 1000 freelancers from 100+ countries in the Covid-19 period to inspect the state of freelancers. They asked the freelancers to share how this Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the demand for their services, what opportunities and risks they expect out of the crisis, and hourly rates.

They stated the survey of the insights as:
“Our survey presents that while the demand for freelancers appears to have delayed in the short-term overall, many are optimistic about the future. They believe that it’s just a matter of time until businesses will get back on their feet and return to outsourcing. It has been very clear to everyone that businesses around the world are adapting to work online, so, it’s very clear that remote work may be here to stay.”

So, one can say the effects of Covid 19 in freelancing is very outrageous.

Here you can read about some Must-Have Social Media Tools For Freelancing

The survey result shows that the workforce of freelance is hopeful about the future of freelancing. All expect the retrieval of a booming gig economy. Although the economy of the gig industry has suffered an adverse effect of the pandemic, digital advertising agencies and software developers have an easy way to outsource freelancers, according to IBISWorld’s recent report. Various kinds of marketing companies are now interested in shifting and reconstructing toward more online freelancers for various jobs such as logo design, video, digital marketing, and animation among others. 

Besides,an online marketplace for freelance services, Fiverr; has experienced an increase in demand for these freelancing gigs during the Covid 19 Pandemic.

So, The effects of Covid 19 in freelancing is very astonishing. 

While all the other industries and markets are struggling to sustain during this pandemic, however, the only one to benefit from Covid-19 was the freelance market comparatively. An emerging gig economy may also overcome the hugely raised issue of unemployment around the world and therefore, it is observed and prone to flourish as an outcome of the pandemic.

As a global labor pool, Freelancers, are offering their digital services regardless of this pandemic geographical boundaries.
They have control over their opportunities, workflow, and working hours. They are serving customers globally within safety from their places. 

How Can I Protect Myself Against Covid 19?

The Effects Of Covid 19 In Freelancing - 2

To Protect Myself Against Covid-19 


from Digi Embroidery

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